new beginnings

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A Fresh Start

A Fresh Start

As we look ahead to the new year, I think we can all agree that a fresh start is needed. However, I’m not so sure we want to begin from square one. We’ve all been somewhere this past year and returning to January 2020 to start over again is not at all what I am recommending. But a new beginning is a welcome thought.

An Extended Vacation

The pandemic wreaked a special kind of havoc on children all over the world this past year. Kenyan students were sent home in mid-March for what turned into months of an extended vacation. This led to widespread apathy, a rise in crime and teen pregnancies, and other issues resulting from sheer boredom.

Everyone’s Child took action soon after the schools closed. Starting in April, we redirected funding for the student sponsorship and orphan feeding programs to purchase and distribute enough food for 600+ orphaned students so they could eat during the months of lockdown.

A group of 8 students at Bishop Donovan Secondary School in Kenya with bags of food
Students from Bishop Donovan Secondary School receiving their monthly food distribution in December 2020

A Fresh Start

Thankfully change is in the air. The number of COVID-19 cases in Kenya has been decreasing since November. Furthermore, after nearly a year of being closed, Kenyan schools will reopen on January 4th. EC is looking forward to seeing students return to classrooms once again. A fresh start is in store for students all over the country, and especially for those returning to the Miruya Primary School in western Kenya.

Building Project Progress

For the past two months, William Aludo has been making the two hour trip from his home in Rongo to track the progress of a building project at this school. The development has been remarkable. To date, a security fence has been installed, a gatehouse has been built, three foundations have been laid and a new classroom is on its way to being built.

Stones arranged on the ground for the fresh start of a new classroom foundation
Three foundations at the Miruya Primary School
A grey sone wall of the new classroom at Miruya Primary School
The beginning stages of a new classroom at Miruya Primary School

A New Beginning

Enrollment is rising in the area and will continue to grow in years to come. The exciting news is that current and incoming students will have an indoor space to learn and grow. Kenya’s warm climate might cause some of us in northern latitudes to prefer an outdoor classroom, but the heat and rain in Kenya are both reasons to bring education indoors. This new classroom symbolizes a fresh beginning for the students and their teachers, and will allow them to move ahead with their studies safely in the new year.

students in Kenya sitting at rough hewn desks under a tree. There is no fence, so securing the perimeter is needed here.
an outdoor classroom for students at Miruya Primary School

Adding Your Support

We are as pleased as can be that the classroom we raised funds for in 2019 is finally being built. Our plan is to continue sponsoring and providing daily meals for orphaned students between preschool and high school. If you are interested in participating with us in this effort, please click here to add your support. All contributions are tax-deductible, used for and appreciated by the children we serve. 

As always, thank you so much, and best wishes for a happy, healthy, and very new New Year.

