
Everyone’s Child provides sponsorship opportunities to orphaned secondary students and builds primary schools in Kenya.

Providing Sponsorships

Educating students has been at the forefront of our conversation since our earliest beginnings as a non-profit organization. In 2012, Everyone’s Child began providing sponsorships to orphaned secondary students at Bishop Edward Donovan Secondary School (BEDSS) in Lanet Umoja. In 2016, EC’s Program Coordinator, William Aludo, initiated a mentoring program for these students, introducing them to skills necessary for leading active, successful lives.



Providing scholarships for students in Kenya
BEDSS scholarship kids share a joke among friends

With the help of our supporters, Everyone’s Child has sponsored over 50 students between 2012 and 2019. Without this assistance, most of these students would not have the opportunity to complete their high school education. In 2018, the government made secondary school free for all Kenyan students, asking families to pay for their children’s school lunches and uniforms. EC continues to offer sponsorships to orphaned students whose families are unable to cover these costs.

Building Schools

Everyone’s Child has its origins with “Kids in Kenya,” a non-profit organization set up in the late 1990’s to support school-aged children in Kenya. Between 1998 and 2008, Kids in Kenya sponsored the construction of three primary schools, beginning with Lanet Umoja Primary School in 1999, followed by Nakuru Teacher’s Primary School in Kiti in 2001, and The Lord Ranjuera Primary School in Kampi Ya Moto in 2003.

Lanet Umoja Preschool 2016

In 2017 Everyone’s Child raised funds to complete two preschool classrooms in Lanet Umoja. In April 2017 we held a dedication for one of these classrooms.

Currently plans are underway to build additional classrooms at the Miruya Primary School in western Kenya. We provide more information about this effort here.


Building Schools for Children in Kenya

For more information, watch this video summary.

Building Schools