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Asking for Your Support

Asking for Your Support

Some of you may have already received and responded to our annual appeal in the mail. For those of you who haven’t received or responded to this appeal yet, this is a gentle reminder that each year Everyone’s Child asks for support for our Orphan Feeding Program and Secondary School Sponsorship Program.  To keep these programs running, we rely on the generosity of people like you, who understand that it is through consistent, generous contributions that we can feed and educate these orphaned and vulnerable children each year. We are now asking for your support for these initiatives.

A Daily Meal and an Education

Despite pandemic restrictions, this past year EC was able to provide a daily meal and an education for close to 700 orphaned students in Kenya and India.  This was all possible because of the generous donations from people who give on a monthly basis or gave during last year’s Annual Appeal.

EC-sponsored Kenyan students with Ruth, Tracy and William Aludo
EC-sponsored students at Bishop Donovan Secondary School with William Aludo, Tracy Guion and Ruth Young

School Supplies, Uniforms, and a Daily Meal

In the coming year, EC will continue providing daily meals to students at six different schools throughout Kenya.  This program costs $25 per school year for each student.  With the help of our partners, we also plan to sponsor up to 40 orphaned secondary students, providing them with school supplies, uniforms, and a daily meal.  The annual cost to sponsor one secondary student is $200.   We also plan to support up to 25 vulnerable students in northern and southern India who want to attend school.

Quenching the hungry - Mealtime for the children in Orissa, India
A midday meal for schoolchildren in Orissa, India

 Asking for Your Support    

This year, the Board of Directors and I are asking for your support to help us raise $35,000, enabling us to sustain, build and grow our current programs. 

If you would like to participate in this goal, donations can be securely made online by clicking here.

Everyone’s Child is a registered 501 C3 corporation, and 90% of our administrative costs are covered by those on the Board of Directors, therefore close to 100% of your donation will go directly to our programs. 

As always, thank you for your support for Everyone’s Child.

With warmest wishes,


Ruth T. Young, Ed.D.

Executive Director

Everyone’s Child – they belong to all of us.

EC – the year in review

EC – the year in review

Dear friends,

It has been another exciting year for Everyone’s Child! EC’s programs have grown in Kenya as well as India this year, resulting in the needs of orphans and vulnerable children across the world being met. The Board of Directors and I owe a large debt of gratitude to you, our faithful contributors, for your steadfast support for our programs. Here is a brief synopsis of what has happened this year:

Orphan Feeding Program

EC now partners with school administrations in five different locations to provide over 550 meals a day to orphans and vulnerable students across Kenya. This year we added 138 students from the Miruya Primary School in western Kenya to our numbers. The average monthly cost of this program is $1,500.00.

Sr. Kateri feeding the hungry children in Kenya
Sr. Kateri feeding the EC children in Kampi Ya Moto

EC Scholarships

This past year, the Kenyan government made the wonderful decision to provide free education to secondary students. Families are still required to pay for their children’s lunches and uniforms, but costs are now lowered to $150 per student. In the coming year this change will allow us to help orphaned preschool children who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to attend preschool. The cost to give the gift of an education to an orphaned preschooler or secondary student is just $150 per child per year. Our goal is to offer scholarships to at least five orphaned preschoolers and 15 secondary students during the 2019 school year, for an annual cost of $3,000.

EC students sitting in a classroom in Kenya
EC scholarship students at Bishop Donovan Secondary School


Miruya Primary School: This year, we were blessed to receive a sizable grant from Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). We combined this funding with our own to cover needs at the Miruya Primary School, the newest school in our program. We were able to pay for a lunch program, uniforms, teacher salaries, three latrines and a kitchen, as well as books and equipment for the children and staff at this primary school. In 2019, our goal is to continue supporting them and also to provide them with a well and an Administration Block. The total cost of this endeavor is $30,000.00.

EC Kenya Board of Directors: This fall, a group of eight people from eastern and western Kenya met to establish the first official EC Kenyan Board of Directors. The formation of this board allows EC to register as an NGO in Kenya, making it possible for them to raise funds and increase their operations throughout that country. This group is made up of people from different tribes, making this an exciting and historic event for EC. Everyone’s Child is now becoming a national program that encompasses the whole of Kenya.

exciting developments of a new board of directors in Kenya
EC Kenya Board of Directors

Northern and Southern India

“When the water gushed out of the pump … we saw joyful tears in the eyes of the children and families. These children were thirsty and starving, and were suffering without water, but you met their needs. Truly the Lord is great.”

Pastor Kishor of Orissa, India

This year we learned about an orphanage in Orissa, which is in northern India. Their water pump had broken, and the children were suffering from dysentery and other water borne illnesses. Our supporters responded immediately, one in particular saying that high on their “bucket list” was giving a drink to those who were thirsty. In 2019, we hope to help fund a lunch program for these children. We also plan to continue partnering with Abundant Life Care Ministries in Hyderabad, India, providing education to the orphans in their care. With your help we can continue supporting these programs. Annual cost: $2,000.

EC Children Watching the drill and waiting for water
Watching the drill and waiting for water in Orissa, India

During this season of giving and gratitude,

I am writing to ask you to please continue working alongside us as we serve the orphans and vulnerable children who are counting on us for their education and their future. You can learn how to make your contribution by visiting our donate page.

All donations are tax-deductible, used for and appreciated by the children we support. With your help we will continue changing a generation through education.

With warm wishes,
