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Good News

Good News

The war in Ukraine has sparked a worldwide call to action. Thousands of people have answered the call.

Andrii Morohov is one of those people.

Good News: Ukrainian man standing near boxes of food and humanitarian supplies.
Andrii Morohov with boxes of donations

Good News

Armed with the lifelong mantra that children must always come first, Kharkiv-native Andrii founded the NGO Blagovist 2013 (meaning Good News in English) in 2013 to aid and support orphans as well as children from low-income families in and around the city of Kharkiv. Now, Andrii has focused his nonprofit’s efforts on helping children who have been impacted by the chaos of war. From children hiding in subway stations from bombs to young families who have had to leave everything behind and flee, Blagovist 2013 has been providing humanitarian aid and essentials to as many people as they can, including everything from diapers, clothing, and basic food items to sketchbooks, pencils and paint for children.

Good News: Art supplies and baby products on a table.
Baby products and art supplies collected by Blagovist 2013

Blagovist 2013

As Everyone’s Child continues to fundraise for Ukraine, we have been in awe of the work Andrii’s NGO has done and continues to do for the children of Ukraine. It is for this reason that we have selected his NGO as the beneficiary for all of the funds raised through EC’s Caring for the Children of Ukraine fundraiser. 

With these funds, Blagovist 2013 will be able to support the following communities: 1) the children and families of the recently liberated Vilkhivsky community who have spent months living under occupation in basements; and 2) a large group of internally displaced people with young children who now live in the Valkovsky community in the Kharkiv region. 

Good News: A man sits with two young girls and their mother on a bench with donated art supplies.
Andrii gifts art supplies to two girls and their mother
Good News: A young mother holds donated diapers and bottles with her newborn baby in a stroller.
A young mother receives diapers and bottles for her newborn baby

EC will continue fundraising for Ukraine through the end of June. If you are in a position to give, please click here to donate. Your gift will help rescue the children of Ukraine, one child at a time.  

Good News: Children sit with donated goods in a shelter.
Ukrainian children receive donated supplies at a shelter in Ukraine

Thank you for your kindness,
