Kenya public education

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Exciting News

Exciting News

I have some very exciting news to share.  Last month EC received a very generous grant from Christian Broadcasting Network!  The grant is designated to help establish a struggling primary school in western Kenya.

The Miruya Primary School

As some of you already know, last summer EC’s Program Coordinator, William Aludo, discovered a school not far from his home where young children gathered each day, hoping to get an education.  The only problem was that there were no teachers there to help them learn.  The school building was solid, but it was unregistered as a public government school.  Apparently the Kenyan government had run out of funding to register the school.  As a result, they were not paying to send licensed teachers there to teach the children.

Outside wall of the Miruya Primary School
Outside the Miruya Primary School

Each day between 50 and 100 students showed up and sat on the floor as there were not enough desks.  They stayed simply because there was no where else for them to go.  Parents from the area pooled their money to hire an untrained teacher to stay with their children, hoping that she could teach them some skills, and trusting that she would at least watch their children throughout the day.  Unfortunately, because their resources were limited they were unable to pay her regularly, so sometimes she chose not to show up.  The children continued to go to the school, mainly because they had no where else to go.  Needless to say, it was distressing for parents to learn that their children were left on their own day after day.

The Promise of Assistance

The grant we have received from Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) will help put the Miruya Primary School on the map in western Kenya.  Five teachers will be hired, desks and textbooks will be purchased, and a lunch program for orphaned and vulnerable students is being established.  Best of all, plans are underway to dig a well on the school grounds!  At our last staff meeting William reported that the promise of assistance has breathed new life into this area, and already new students are beginning to come to the school.

Children playing outside with their teacher at Miruya Primary School in Kenya
A circle game with students and their teacher at Miruya Primary School

Two Events

This past January two more important events for the Miruya Primary School happened.  First, parents in the area held a successful fundraiser, raising enough to begin purchasing textbooks for their children.  And secondly, William initiated a breakfast program of porridge for all the students, allowing everyone to focus on their studies instead of their empty stomachs.  These events have given everyone a sense of ownership and pride in their school and their community.  And now the additional promise of funding from CBN has made an impact that goes beyond many of these villagers greatest expectations.


CBN’s funding couldn’t have come at a better time for this small primary school.  Beginning in April, desks and textbooks for teachers and students will be purchased.  A much needed latrine will be dug, and a lunch program will be established soon afterward.  The hope of a well with potable water is also in the works.  None of this would be possible without the help of CBN’s Orphan’s Promise.  This is a program that assists orphaned and at-risk children throughout the world, helping them to “thrive so that they can live full of hope and realize their God-given potential”.  It goes without saying that we are extremely grateful for the opportunity to partner with CBN.

Exciting News

If you want to be a part of bringing exciting news to at-risk primary and secondary school students in Kenya and India, please click here.  Please note that there are several ways to lend a hand.  This link outlines other ways to contribute to Everyone’s Child.

As always, ASANTE SANA (Thank you very much) for being the best part of Everyone’s Child!