
Everyone’s Child provides lunches to over 500 students in six different schools throughout Kenya.

Orphan Feeding Program

Since the beginning of Everyone’s Child, many have contributed to our ongoing efforts to sustain the needs of orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya. In 2003, children in Kampi Ya Moto were excited to finally have their own primary school to attend, but lack of nourishment caused many to faint in class. Kids in Kenya established a lunch program for these children. In the following years the same program was made available to orphaned students at Lanet Umoja Primary School and Nakuru Teacher’s Primary School. In 2010 Everyone’s Child gained responsibility for this program. Today EC provides lunches to over 500 students in five different preschool and primary schools throughout Kenya. Our goal is to continue caring for orphaned and vulnerable students by supplying them with a daily meal.

You can read the April 2016 blog to learn more about how this program began.


an American teacher caring for a child in Kenya
Joni Clemons gives out the last of the lunch

If you would like to contribute to this effort, please join us by donating today!

Rain Harvesting System

In 2013, Everyone’s Child partnered with Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) to fund the installation of a rainwater harvesting system in the arid region of Kampi Ya Moto where the Orphan Feeding Program was established. For decades, people living in that area have retrieved their drinking water from a river frequented by people and animals alike. Thanks to this new system, the students at our school finally have access to clean drinking water! Read more about this exciting project in our January 2016 blog and our May 2016 blog.


caring through a water tank
A new water tank for the Lord Ranjuera Primary School!

Medical Clinics

In 2009 and 2010 a team of medical doctors and nurses from the USA conducted two medical clinics in Kenya, where over 3,000 patients were seen and treated. The American doctors and nurses worked alongside members from Kenya’s Ministry of Health to identify and treat patients with HIV/AIDS as well as tropical diseases. Plans are currently underway for the building of a medical clinic near the site of our first school in Lanet. The Waterbury Rotary Club of Waterbury, Vermont have contributed generously to this effort. This clinic will be staffed by the Kenyan Ministry of Health and will provide free medical assistance to residents of the village of Lanet.


caring through medicine in Kenya
Dr. Maier considers a new name

For more information, watch our videos below. If you would like to help contribute, please join us by donating today!

Feeding Orphans

Feeding Orphans

Digging Boreholes

Digging Boreholes

Providing Medical Clinics

Providing Medical Clinics